A little about me
My artwork explores a reconnection to the whole self after my personal and cultural experiences have often led me to be dominated by my mind neglecting strong sensory and somatic information. I question the chaos that can arise from gut feelings that inform our intuition and perception, in a disconnected and disembodied world.
I am curious about the disconnection from our bodies highly evident in Western cultures and increasingly around the globe. René Descartes's mind-body dualism still dominates western culture which is evident in the use of language such as 'mind-body connection'. This implies there is something that connects these as if they are still two separate and distinct systems.
As persons do we take enough time to draw on our senses to feel the impact, we may have on others? Has our sense of community, care and compassion been lost as we all do our best to survive in a society that promotes individualism? What happens in the body and health of ourselves and others when our ego dominates our interactions?
Many questions and wonderings....always.